
Friday, July 10, 2015

Leave the Waxing to the Pros

I don't want to name names.....but someone learned a valuable lesson this last week. That lesson is that you should always leave waxing to the pros.

This one girl thought that she could wax her armpits on her own. It would be fine to just use a store-bought kit, she rationalized. I have sisters! she triumphantly reminded herself. One of them is perfectly capable of pulling the skin taut and yanking ruthlessly. Probably the 13-year-old one.

So she bought the kit and made like the karate kid. A few hours later, she brought her waxed-on armpit to her 13-year-old sister's attention.

A few days after that, I arrived. And found this:

A leper. Sarah tried to soothe the armpits with some ukulele serenades, but I don't think it did too much. 

The horrible burn? Rash? Abrasion? Infection? Only got worse from there.

Now the poor leper was forced to find creative ways to shield her injury from further harm, without being too immodest. This style is made of a tanktop and a scarf. The excess scarf has been shoved into the tanktop, making it into some functional - and fashionable! - sleeves. 
I, personally, loved this style.

On the day she flew back to Maryland, this anonymous person discovered some tea tree oil ointment thing that smelled terrible, but apparently helped the pain. She then proceeded to glob it all over the affected areas, and lift her arm so I could take a picture.

Still not naming names, but isn't she cute? Staph armpits and all. 
So yes. There is your friendly PSA. Do not attempt waxing on your own. If you need someone to meet your waxing needs, I know a girl. And she is not the one pictured above. My girl would never let this happen.


  1. Bahahaha I mean, at least this wasn't a waxing attempt on other areas.... #ouchxinfinity
