
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Livin Like Locals

We were so lucky with our Hawaii trip, for so many reasons. For one thing, one of my best friends ever in this life is currently living on Oahu with her husband and darling baby, and we were able to stay with them for most of our time there!

In Vegas, we went to a timeshare meeting and mentioned that we pretty much always stay with people we know when we travel. The timeshare agent got a little stressed and said "Oh c'mon! You don't want to stay with people every time you travel! That's gotta get old, doesn't it?" But I'm not lying when I say that was one of my favorite things about this trip.

It was so fun to have these knowledgeable tour guides to show us around the island. They took us to all these cool places, let us use their GoPro, gave us sunglasses, fed us, clothed us (at least Jonny let Stephen wear his Sunday clothes), advised us on our plans, and introduced us to a new oceanside pastime.

From this time we spent with real, live locals of the beautiful state of Hawaii, I can now confidently share with you how to live like Hawaiians.

Here's how they eat:

This is a Matsumoto's genius in action. You can get a huge shave ice there for like $4, with ice cream and condensed milk!!
You can also pick a coconut out of a tree, if you are hungry, and if your husband is super-strong and agile. 

Jonny and Alyssa had this weird metal thing on their back porch that looked just perfect for opening coconuts. I guess it was as perfect as a coconut-opening tool can be....but they are obnoxious little buggers to crack!
Clearly the fun ended pretty quickly. And the worst part is, we opened 6 coconuts and not one of them was good! 
Oooh! Sometimes they suck their thumbs, and it is the cutest thing ever.
Here's how they play:

After church, we all took the wicker chairs down to the beach to sit by the ocean and dip our toes in. 
It was very relaxing! But eventually, that's not enough for some people.

Jonny has a special technique for scooting forward, where you dig a hole in the sand with your feet and then stick the back of the chair in the hole. Every time you do that you scoot deeper into the ocean, but apparently, it's better because the chair is leaning back. 
But then it turned into a competition of who could go the furthest out.

They would run out when the water was calm and try to dig their chair into the sand before another wave came. 
Then they'd see the wave and jump up on their chairs to try and block it.
Sometimes the chairs got away.....
Sometimes the pants got away....

I can't even describe how hilarious it was to watch them sit in their chairs like 40 feet out! They looked like they had been on the Titanic and were now bobbing around on makeshift life rafts. 

Here's how they spend their evenings:

Spitting Caves! This place is so cool. When the water is calmer, people jump in here. There's a cave that fills up with water and then spits it all out. I would have been too scared I think, but Stephen for sure would have done it.

We watched the water for a little bit and then watched the sunset.

Does it make you feel a little sad about your own life that this is someone else's real actual life, like they watch this sunset err day? Cuz it makes me feel a little sad about mine....

Here's how they deal with the wildlife:

Like these fine American cockroaches. 


Alyssa and Jonny and LJ.....we love you guys!!

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